Tag: fitness

The Internet Led Me To The Slendertone

My newest addiction is taking over. It used to be Facebook, and then I moved on to Twitter, and then Pinterest. Now it is another site. I am amazed at all of the information that is available on that one little site. I have learned about everything from gecko lizards to mountain climbing to cooking with bok choy to the Slendertone.

I thought that the geckos were cute, the mountain climbers were inspiring, and that the bok choy isn’t as delicious as it looked, but the Slendertone actually changed my life (or at least my abs!). After reading a few articles and reviews on this amazing contraption, I decided that I just had to give it a try. It sounded too good to be true and it offered a money back guarantee so I felt I had nothing to lose.

It arrived shortly after I ordered it and I was pleasantly surprised that it seemed just as easy to use as it had been described in everything I had been reading. I tried it a few days ago for the first time and now I am waiting to see if it works as well as I am hoping. If I can look anything like some of the “after” pictures online, I will be the happiest internet addict in the entire world! You can take a look at a Slendertone abs review and learn more about this product too.

Fitness Tips For Exercising At Any Age

The meaning of fitness is maintaining a healthy body and mind. The advice in the following article will show you some easy ways to keep your body fit and trim. You do not have to feel like it is a lot of pressure to get into shape. Pay attention to your body. Try some or all of the fitness tips in this article.

Strengthening your quads, glutes and hamstrings will improve your endurance and speed of your runs. You can achieve this by adding wall sits to your exercise routine. Do it after your runs.

Would you like to maximize your strength training routine? Add 10% to 15% more weight to your lifts if you are able to lift your current weight easily for 10-12 reps. The last 2 reps should feel uncomfortable at all times.

Look at my Fit Advisor webpage to uncover a decent home gym that you can use to improve your current fitness routine to improve your chances of achieving total fitness.

Fitness doesn’t have to be a hard chore. This article is full of easy-to-follow advice that is designed to help you get in shape. Staying fit requires much work, but it’s well worth it when you see the results. Always keep these tips in mind if you also want to keep your figure in that ideal shape; as you surely do.